Welcome! ITEL Services

ITel Services (Private) Limited.
Office Address: 151, M Block, Gulburg III, Lahore - Pakistan.
Landline: +(92-42) 35882864-65 | F: +(92-42) 35882866
PTCL IVR: 0900-04474
Mobile IVR: 4471, 4472, 4473 & 4474
Email: info@itelservices.net

Email: marketing@itelservices.net


If you feel any problem and need any assistance then feel free to contact us.

For Support: Mr. Khuram Shahzad - Mobile: (+92-322) 8585675
Landline: +(92-42) 35882864-65 | F: +(92-42) 35882866
PTCL IVR: 0900-04474
Mobile IVR: 4471, 4472, 4473 & 4474
Email: support@itelservices.net
Office Timing: 09:00AM to 6:00PM (PST)

Itel Services